九龍小學是英基學校協會(下稱英基)的一部分。英基是香港最大的英語國際教育機構,而英基九龍小學則是一所規模龐大、歷史悠久的五班制學校,為900名Year 1至Year 6的學生提供優質教育服務。作為一所國際文憑世界學校,英基九龍小學的教與學著重探究精神,並以嚴謹的教學法和實踐行動為基礎。
現有職位空缺 (教師)
Mainscale Class Teacher (Temporary)
KJS is looking for an enthusiastic, experienced and exemplary classroom teacher to work with our Year 6 team from 22 April to 27 June 2025. This position will be a full-time temporary teaching contract.
While our goal is to employ staff who are confident and comfortable working with groups of children across the primary phase and passionate about learning to achieve our vision of “Success for Every Child”, the main role of the classroom teacher is to maximise student learning and development through the planning, preparation and teaching of programmes which meet students’ individual learning needs and achieve specific student outcomes. Teachers teach a range of student abilities and classes and are accountable for the effective delivery of their programmes. The classroom teacher engages in critical reflection in order to improve their knowledge and skills to better engage students and improve their learning.
Main Accountabilities
Teaching and Assessment
- Planning lessons and sequences of lessons to meet student’s individual learning needs and to ensure student’s progression.
- Using a range of appropriate strategies for teaching and learning and classroom management
- Use flexible groupings and structured inquiry to deliver high quality lessons in line with the IBO philosophy
- Maintain a well organised and stimulating learning environment
- Use technology to effectively enhance learning
- Using information about prior attainment to set expectations for students
- Using a range of assessment and reporting methods that show student’s achievement in relation to learning outcomes.
- Providing clear and constructive feedback to students and their parents and caregivers
Wider professional roles
- Planning and engaging in professional learning activities that support school and systematic priorities
- Taking responsibility for own professional development and using the outcomes to improve teaching and students’ learning
- Making an active contribution to the policies and aspirations of the school
- Ensuring administration of classroom procedures are completed efficiently
- Collaborating with members of the school community to build a team environment that supports students’ learning
Additional responsibilities
- Assisting with or managing an aspect of daily school management
- Assisting year level co-ordinators, curriculum co-ordinators, student management co-ordinators, principal and vice principal with the performance of specific functions
- Assisting with or managing a specialist function such as sport, careers, student welfare, excursions or camps co-ordination
- Supervising a range of student activities including support and welfare programmes
Essential Criteria
- Qualified teacher status
- Exemplary classroom practitioner
- Experience of working within an inquiry based setting
- Sound knowledge of effective assessment practices
- Committed to supporting children’s individual needs
Desirable Criteria
- Experience in similar role
- Experience of more than one curriculum model
- Experience in PYP IB framework will be an advantage
- International and home teaching experience
Other Requirements
- Bachelor Degree in Education, or
- Bachelor Degree in any subjects with PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate of Education), or equivalent
- Relevant teaching experience within a recognised educational organisation
For further details of the role, please refer to this generic job description.
The successful candidate must be a permanent Hong Kong resident or possess a valid dependent visa to work in Hong Kong.
Interested candidates please complete the online application form via ESF website . Please do not send CVs or letters of application directly to the school.
For any questions, please contact us at jobs@kjs.edu.hk.
Closing Date: Sunday 16 February 2025
現有職位空缺 (教學助理)
Supply Educational Assistant
KJS is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated Supply Educational Assistants to cover ad hoc absences.
Whilst previous working experience in Year 1 to Year 6 of a primary school and/or with children who has moderate special educational needs would be an advantage, our main goal at KJS is to employ staff who are confident and comfortable working with groups of children across the primary phase and passionate about learning to achieve our vision of “Success for Every Child”.
The successful candidates will be someone who have a positive, ‘can do’ attitude with lots of energy and enthusiasm to provide quality support across the campus. He/She will have excellent organisational skills and relish working as part of a team. His/Her excellent spoken and written English *, coupled with warm personality and strong interpersonal skills, will enable him/her to communicate effectively with all members of the school community.
All applications should be emailed to jobs@kjs.edu.hk
The successful candidates must be permanent Hong Kong residents or possess valid dependent visas to work in Hong Kong.
* plus Mandarin for Chinese Department
現有職位空缺 (支援人員)
- 時刻保持校園範圍清潔及整理
- 負責校內日常清潔、消毒及簡單維修工作
- 協助佈置場地,包括重搬運桌椅、傢俱及重物等
- 協助校內木工工作
- 協助校內園藝工作、包括淋花、清除去水渠內垃圾等
- 處理其他由主管安排的雜務
- 具水電牌照及木工經驗可獲優先考慮
- 操流利廣東話 - 懂簡單英語者可獲優先考慮
- 具良好衛生常識,熟悉基本清潔及衛生工作
- 具團隊合作精神、樂觀積極、勤奮、有責任心及值得信任
- 具良好的時間管理及處事靈活變通的能力,按時完成每日指派的工作
- 能按指示及自覺性地完成工作
- 如成功申請人未符合所有要求,將會被聘請為清潔員工
早上7時至下午4時 或 早上7時30分至下午4時30分
- 經此網頁遞交
- 傳真申請表至 37658701
- 電郵至 jobs@kjs.edu.hk
如有任何查詢,請致電 37658700 與陳小姐聯絡